DAZN Limited trading as 'DAZN'
12 Hammersmith Grove, London, England, W6 7AP
E-mail: help@dazn.com
Authorised representative: Shay Segev, CEO
Company number 09676399
VAT number: GB945612024
Regulatory Authority: National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT), Poland
Our contact address is help@dazn.com and our contact form is available at https://www.dazn.com/contactus.
The on-demand audio-visual media service provided under the DAZN brand is provided by DAZN Media Poland SP . Z O. O.
Ul. Żelazna 4, 40-851 Katowice, Poland. Tax ID: 9542727329. Court registry number: 0000391056
E-mail: help@dazn.com
Members of the Board of DAZN Media Poland SP . Z O. O.: Darren Waterman, Sandeep Tiku.
Actual Beneficiary as disclosed in the Central Register of Actual Beneficiaries: Leonard Blavatnik
Other media services provided by entities belonging to the same capital group:
- DAZN OTT Service in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Luxembourg
- DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Germany
- DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Germany
- DAZN FAST Channel in Germany
- DAZN For Business OTT Service in Germany
- DAZN For Business OTT Service in Austria
- DAZN OTT Service in Italy
- DAZN Linear Channel in Italy
- Zona DAZN
- DAZN OTT Service in Spain
- DAZN F1 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 3 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 4 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN OTT Service in Japan
North America:
- DAZN OTT Service in US
- DAZN OTT Service in Canada
- DAZN PPV Linear Channel in UK
- DAZN Global OTT Service (excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Japan, US and Canada)
DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O. as a service provider is subject to Polish jurisdiction.
Regulatory Authority: National Broadcasting Council Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji), Poland.
Dostawcą usługi medialnej na żądanie pod nazwą DAZN jest DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O.
Dane kontaktowe: DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O.
Ul. Żelazna 4, 40-851 Katowice, Polska
NIP: 9542727329
KRS: 0000391056
Skład Zarządu DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O.: Darren Waterman, Sandeep Tiku
Jedynym wspólnikiem posiadającym więcej niż 5% udziałów jest spółka DAZN MEDIA SERVICES LIMITED.
Beneficjentem rzeczywistym ujawnionym w Centralnym Rejestrze Beneficjentów Rzeczywistych jest: Leonard Blavatnik
Lista wszystkich dostarczanych przez DAZN i podmioty wchodzące w skład tej samej grupy kapitałowej usług medialnych, platform udostępniania wideo oraz wydawanych dzienników lub czasopism:
- DAZN OTT Service in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Luxembourg
- DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Germany
- DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Germany
- DAZN FAST Channel in Germany
- DAZN For Business OTT Service in Germany
- DAZN For Business OTT Service in Austria
- DAZN OTT Service in Italy
- DAZN Linear Channel in Italy
- Zona DAZN
- DAZN OTT Service in Spain
- DAZN F1 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 3 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN 4 Linear Channel in Spain
- DAZN OTT Service in Japan
North America:
- DAZN OTT Service in US
- DAZN OTT Service in Canada
- DAZN PPV Linear Channel in UK
- DAZN Global OTT Service (excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Japan, US and Canada)
DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O. jako dostawca usługi medialnej podlega jurysdykcji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
Organem właściwym w sprawach audiowizualnych usług medialnych na żądanie jest Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji.