Watch DAZN on your iPhone & iPad
To get the best experience watching DAZN on your iPhone or iPad make sure to install the DAZN app. Use the app for streaming instead of watching DAZN on Safari or any other browser.
Download and install the DAZN app
To download and install the DAZN app, please go through the following steps on your device:
- On your device, please navigate to the App Store
- Use the search option and enter "DAZN" in the search field. If you already have the DAZN app on your device, it will give you the option to open the app. Otherwise you can download the app
- Click on "Get" next to the DAZN symbol
- In the final step you will need to click "Install" on the pop-up
Update your DAZN app
To update your DAZN app, please go through the following steps on your device:
- On your device, please navigate to the App Store
- In the App Store, click on the "Update" button
- Swipe your screen down to see if there are updates available for your apps
- If there is an available update for DAZN, you will see it in the list
- Click on "Update" to install the latest version of DAZN
Sign up on your iPhone/iPad
Please follow the steps to sign up for a DAZN Account on your iPhone/iPad:
- On your iPhone/iPad home screen start your DAZN app
- Click on the "Sign up" button
- You will be redirected to
- Please finish the sign-up process here
Additional iPhone & iPad information
For the best DAZN experience, make sure that your iOS is up-to-date. Please visit Apple Support for detailed information on how you can update your iOS.
Supported models
The DAZN app is available for iOS devices running iOS 11 including iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. More specific information can be found by following this link.
Connect my iOS device to my TV to stream DAZN
In the latest version of DAZN app, we have introduced the ability to connect your device to a TV via HDMI and mirror your iPad or iPhone 6 and above through AirPlay to watch DAZN on a larger screen. Here are a few ways you can connect to your TV:
Connect via HDMI
You can use a compatible HDMI connection kit to connect your device to your TV. Please use an official Apple product to ensure the highest quality of streaming.
Connect via AirPlay Device Mirroring
You can now link your iOS device to an Apple TV, giving you the ability to mirror your display on it. You can then open the DAZN app and start watching content. More information is available on Apple's support website. Please use an official Apple product to ensure the highest quality of streaming.
Note: When connecting iPads to a TV via HDMI or AirPlay, the display will appear in a cropped view (referred to as letterboxed) because iPad screens are not in the 16:9 aspect ratio, which is standard for most TVs.