If you believe you have been charged incorrectly, contact our customer support team by clicking on the chat icon at the end of this page. Please keep in mind we are unable to issue refunds if you are not paying DAZN directly which does include but may not be limited to:
Amazon In-App purchases – please contact Amazon customer services directly
Google Payments – please contact Google customer services directly
Apple Payments – please contact Apple customer services directly
Gift Codes (DAZN ticket, DAZN prepaid card, J-League Annual Pass, etc)
If you are paying DAZN directly or you have been billed for more than one account, please select the following options in the menu:
- Answer the first questions with “Yes, I have a DAZN account”
- Select subject: My account, billing, or payments
- Select topic: Questions about payments
- Select query: I was incorrectly charged
If you are not signed in to your DAZN account, you will be prompted to do so. Being signed in is important since we can only discuss refund related questions with the owner of the account.
Once you are signed in please add as many details as you can to your refund request:
- Email you have use to sign up to DAZN (If you created more than one account please include all email addresses)
- Full name used to sign up to DAZN
- Registration date
- Credit card: Last 4 digits, expiration date and payment date
These details help us to process your request faster.
If you do not have all the details, you can still contact us, and we will do our very best to assist you.
If we need additional details, we will request them from you by email.