What is UEFA Article 48?
Article 48 of the UEFA Statutes allows any Member Association to decide on a set period of 2.5 hours per Saturday and Sunday during which games cannot be broadcast locally, which are designed to protect the interests of football in the territory of each national association. The Football Association has designated the period between 2.45pm and 5.15pm on Saturdays, and this is applicable within the UK and Ireland.
Can I watch Saturday 3PM kick-off games on DAZN in the UK and Ireland?
If you are in the UK or Ireland, then the majority of games commencing at Saturday 3pm will not be visible on our platform until they are made available on demand later the same day. We will aim to provide an On-Demand replay of the 3PM kick-offs from 5:15PM onwards.
Some Saturdays throughout the season are not subject to UEFA Article 48. These include some dates in the Christmas period and weekends of the ‘international break’.
Which games are available to watch on National League TV in the UK and Ireland?
All National division and selected North and South division fixtures which are not subject to UEFA Article48 will be available to watch on National League TV on DAZN in the UK and Ireland. This is typically midweek fixtures, games during the Christmas and Easter period, and games during international weekends. Any Saturday 3PM fixtures which are rearranged for a midweek slot will be made available to watch on National League TV on DAZN.